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Najnovšie poznatky neurovedy ponúkajú možnosť pozrieť sa na niektoré zaužívané manažérske postupy z odlišného uhla. Keďže takéto vnímanie môže výrazne ovplyvniť fungovanie organizácií a ich lepšie zosúladenie s ľuďmi, ktorí v nich pracujú, nové pohľady sme zakomponovali do inovovanej služby Context Driven Leadership Assessment. Viac sa dozviete v článku Igora Šulíka, managing partnera poradenskej spoločnosti Amrop.
19.11.2012 » Viac...
Slovensko v druhom polroku 2016 čaká historicky prvé predsedníctvo v Rade Európskej únie. Prípravu na túto úlohu slovenská vláda považuje za jednu z hlavných priorít v oblasti európskych záležitostí. Prečo je štvorročný predstih nevyhnutný? Prečítajte si pohľad Patrika Zoltványa, senior partnera v poradenskej spoločnosti Fipra.
19.11.2012 » Viac...
V poslednom čase až príliš často a zľahka hovoríme o zmenách... Že sú potrebné, je objektívna nevyhnutnosť-avšak treba ich vedieť riadiť a v správnom okamihu aj vyvolať. Zmena totiž musí byť synonymom nových príležitostí, cieľov a stratégií, firemnej kultúry či lojálnych ľudí i zákazníkov a-úspechov, inak nemá zmysel. Viac v článku Martina Krekáča, vedúceho partnera Jenewein Group, uverejnenom na portáli HRclub.sk.
30.05.2012 » Viac...
Human resources and education professionals say that Education Minister Dušan Čaplovič faces a very complex situation and are urging reform to secure better quality training, a revamp of the vocational training system, and a focus on foreseeing the needs of the labour market. Editors of weekly The Slovak Spectator put into a patchwork of more perspectives on this issue also ideas of Martin Krekáč, chairman of Jenewein Group and president of the Business Alliance of Slovakia.
16.04.2012 » Viac...
Executive search services have been introduced to our market shortly after 1989, so we now here have more than twenty years of experience with them. One would assume that after so many years the service providers would respect how to go about providing the search service and that clients would easily distinguish between retained executive search companies and other (mostly contingency based) companies. Surprisingly there is still limited awareness of the differences on both sides-consultants as well as clients. More about this topic writes in an article for year´s edition of the Career & Employment Guide, issued as supplement of weekly The Slovak Spectator Igor Šulík, Managing Partner of consulting company Amrop Slovakia.
20.02.2012 » Viac...
Recently, we have seen the departure of several top HR managers, who were replaced in their organisations. Is this coincidence, or a trend? More about this topic writes in an article for year´s edition of the Career & Employment Guide, issued as supplement of weekly The Slovak Spectator Mario Fondati, Partner of consulting company Amrop Slovakia.
20.02.2012 » Viac...
Can the regulation of online political ads make a Swiss cheese out of our democracy?
Analysis by EPPP...
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DSA trilogues: Do EU policy-makers know how digital businesses work?
Analysis by EPPP...
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