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Are there enough women in managerial positions? Do they need a special approach? Is the introduction of quotas to boost women´s representation in company management structures necessary? These are questions to which the European Union and its member countries have been searching for answers. However, the Slovak government does not like the idea of quotas and local HR experts are also critical. Among the approached companies was also Amrop, from which talked Martin Krekáč, Senior Partner and chairman Jenewein Group.
27.05.2013 » Viac...
Úspech v podnikaní nie je nič iné ako pretavovanie vízií do reálneho života. V praxi sa však neraz stáva, že organizácie nedokážu to, čo chcú dosiahnuť, premeniť na konkrétne riešenia, príp. nedokážu to, čo chcú dosiahnuť, premeniť na konkrétne riešenia. O zásadách strategického riadenia pre mesačník Euroreport rozpráva Martin Krekáč, vedúci partner Jenewein Group.
13.05.2013 » Viac...
Many organizations try to exploit the potential of their employees to the maximum level, often unaware of how to work with them optimally. Often they rely on analyzing their employees' levels of competence and build development programs to further develop their skills and abilities based of this. But that usually is not enough… More about this topic and about one of Amrop's core services Context Driven Leadership Assessment writes in an article for year's edition of the Career & Employment Guide, issued as supplement of weekly The Slovak Spectator Igor Šulík, Managing Partner at Amrop and member of NeuroLeadership Institute.
27.02.2013 » Viac...
Can the regulation of online political ads make a Swiss cheese out of our democracy?
Analysis by EPPP...
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DSA trilogues: Do EU policy-makers know how digital businesses work?
Analysis by EPPP...
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